Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Have it Your Way

Does anyone else think that the new king in the Burger King commercials is scary as hell? Holy crap I hate that thing! It's freaky & disturbing & makes me never want to set foot in a Burger King again. Great advertising campaign.

Maybe they should go back to the "Hold the pickles, Hold the lettuce, Shut up lady, Don't upset us, All we want to do is take your money away" jingle days. I don't remember the real words to the song but those are the lyrics we used to substitute & I'm sure we thought it was the funniest thing ever. I remember feeling quite badass when saying "shut up" too. That was like a swear word in our house.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear lord, I'm laughing at this one Miss! I totally remember that song and I DO remember feeling like a "badass" (good term) when we sang it!

Good times...good memories...good call on the new Burger King too. His hair looks like it was done by the same hairdresser as Davey's sister Sally on David & Goliath

6:39 PM  

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