Work it
So, a week has gone by & I've done nothing more than pick a template. Well, that & wonder why I feel the need to even have a blog. And here's what I've come up with...I like to write, but I never really do it. Why is that? Why do I put it off like some horrible chore to get through when really, it's something that brings me enjoyment? It's like put it off & put it off, then when you actually do it, it's not as bad as you thought it would be & you wonder why you don't bound out of bed every morning to do it. I'm hoping that this blog will become my regular brain workout.
I use the word "regular" rather than "daily" on purpose b/c one of the reasons I've hesitated to start a blog is that I'm one of those "all or nothing" people who feels all uptight & anxious if I don't keep up with something I start on a constant basis....then I get burned out or bored & just forget about it. Instead of making myself write something every day, I'm giving myself permission right now to write when I feel like it. No guilt, the end.
What's with the title "Getting Oregonized" you ask? Well, my husband & I are in the final stages of preparing to move cross-country to Oregon at the end of the month. It's definitely a crazy time, but an exciting, adventurous one too. This blog is a way for me to let family & friends learn about our new surroundings & share stories about the joys of job-hunting, apartment neighbors and, above all else, cool new places to shop!
To make a long story short, I've been off work since February (horrible manager + too much work for not enough pay = stress overload & not the best working environment for me, so I left). Having three months off has been the best thing ever! It's been such a great opportunity to get refreshed & prepared for our move while giving me time to think about what it is that I really want to do (since I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up). It has also made me realize that going back to work, whenever that day comes, is going to be harsh! I'm totally out of the Monday-Friday, 9-5 lifestyle & I'm not that anxious to get back into it. So, I'll just keep buying lottery tickets in the hopes that we'll win within the next month....then I won't have to worry about work! Ya, whatever.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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