Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Monday, June 12, 2006

No Cheating

In doing some research on how to switch our driver's licenses from Florida to Oregon, it would appear we have found the first chink in the armor that is Portland. We have to take a written test! Holy jumpin', I feel like I'm 16 again!

As soon as I saw the words 'written test', I had a brief meltdown. A written test?! They can't be serious. I haven't read a driving manual since I had to pass my second written test when I was 20! In case you're wondering, it was the second test b/c I'm one of the few people whose learner's permit actually expired. I didn't try again until 3 years later b/c I had cool friends who could already drive anyway & we were together all the time. I don't even remember how to take a test! What if I fail? What if I fail more than once? What if I can't see the eye chart? Will everyone laugh at me? What if they have different road rules here? I think I might already qualify for some type of driving infraction b/c I got confused at a dedicated right-hand turn traffic light last week.

We didn't have to do a written test when we moved from Canada to the U.S. & that's a whole other country! In Florida, all we had to do was survive the three-hour wait at the DMV in the hood & apparently that's the only requirement that qualifies you to get behind the wheel down there. Which explains a lot of what passes for driving in Florida. Here, they actually want to know if you've got some type of brain in your head BEFORE you buckle-up. Which, I suppose, is a good thing. So, I guess it's not so much a chink in the armor as it is a slight inconvenience & potential blow to the ego should either one of us fail.

At this point, I feel the need to point out that we DID both fail when we took the online sample test. I blame it all on semantics. They've worded the questions in such a sneaky manner, it's easy to get confused. It's more like taking the English SAT! Maybe when we pick up a copy of the Oregon Driver's Manual, we should also get some type of SAT study guide. It's too bad Marnie & my mum aren't here to take the test with me b/c we're really good at sharing answers during a test without getting caught. That's how we all got A's in our Sheridan College Introduction to Computers course. Did I just say that?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't BELIEVE you TOLD on us! Our deep dark secret is out! Now the whole world knows that I really didn't deserve that "A" in Computer at Sheridan College! And I was so proud to tell my mother that I finally got an "A" in something! The shame, the shame!

8:12 AM  

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