Ladies, Mark your Calendars

I was so sad when the series ended in 2004. It was my absolute favorite show; the one I looked forward to watching all week and one of the few shows I would actually make plans around. I didn't start watching it when it first appeared on HBO (Canada didn't get it right away), but when we moved to Orlando, I quickly became addicted. It sounds weird, but it was my night out with the girls. All of my real-life girlfriends were far away, so Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda & Samantha became their stand-ins. For a half-hour each week, I could dive into their New York lifestyles and pretend.
The show had a big impact on my wardrobe. I began shopping for strappy shoes & high heels just because. I pinned flowers to my jackets. I looked for things I wouldn't normally buy b/c if Carrie could wear stuff like that, so could I! The only problem with this theory was that Orlando ain't New York City! Strutting around the Upper West Side in a crazy get-up is no big deal in the city that never sleeps. But walking to work in the suburbs, where 9:00 p.m. is considered a late night & most of your co-workers think you're dressed up if you're wearing a skirt, is quite another story.
And herein lies the secret I learned from "Sex & the City"...who friggin' cares?! If somebody stares at you for wearing something different, does it matter? NO WAY! What's the worst that can happen?
So, your mission for today, should you choose to accept it, is to throw caution to the wind (while throwing on an outfit you've never thought to put together before) & hold your head high. Strut down the street & feel good about yourself. Because when you're wearing strappy sandals, nothing can get you down.
I'm a-scared it won't be as good as the show but I will certainly look forward to it. Bonnie read your Blog and said someone she knows at work was in NYC recently and they were filming EVERYWHERE! She said it was really over the top, which I was afraid of but also that this woman had seen Kirsten Davis and Cynthis Nixon and their skin was FLAWLESS! That's all the news for today!
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