Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Parental Guidance

As I was drifting off to sleep last night (at 9:30 p.m. - not exactly livin' in the fast lane right now), I replayed the day's events in my head and it made me tired. Yesterday was Sunday and even though I had the day off work, I still worked all day. I did some laundry, finished up some job notes, ran some errands, paid three bills, sent a few emails and finished up with one more load of laundry (there's always just one more load, isn't there?). A productive day, but an overly busy one nonetheless. And I know I'm not the only one spending my off-duty work hours running around like a maniac.

Isn't this why Sundays were invented? To NOT do any of that stuff? We're so accustomed to running here, running there, checking emails, checking voicemails, being available to anyone 24/7, that we've forgotten how to relax. I know I have! No wonder ADD is running rampant. We're all constantly engaged in five different things at the same time. And although I'd love to go off on that topic, it's not what occurred to me last night in bed. No, the question that came to mind was this...

How do parents do it?!

If I'm feeling this exhausted after a full day of activity without making sure a little one (or two or three) is taken care of, how do people with kids manage to stay awake until 7:00 at night, much less 9:30?! How do they finish what what needs to get done & enjoy their growing children at the same time?

If you are a parent, this post is dedicated to you. I take my hat off to all of you who are able to fit it all in & make the puzzle work. It's a hard juggling act to maintain & even if you occasionally drop a few balls (I said balls), you're still doing A-OK in my book.

With admiration,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember and old friend saying that if you had the choice of making the beds or taking the kids to the park, you should ALWAYS take the kids to the park because WHO THE HELL CARES if the bed is made. The coulda, woulda, shoulda mentality seems to run our lives.
I wrote a long comment to this Blog that doesn't seem to have been here's my short response: What is it that you really want and will last you a life time?

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"you let them grow up, sit down at the truth table as adults, and find out that they used to cram themselves into the dryer, turn it on, and see who could complete the most revolutions without puking or dying..."

5:20 AM  
Blogger Cdngirl said...

Ah...yes, well some days I wonder if I did it all right...
I'm sure all you Moms can sympathize.

I have to learn to stop cleaning and start playing more!

Kudos to Portland girl... she rocks!

12:48 PM  

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