Rock on!
I spend a lot of time in the car. As a consultant who travels to clients' homes or work places, I average about 700 miles per month. I'd say about 695 of those miles are spent listening to music. The other 5 miles are either dedicated to silence or yelling at stupid drivers from the safety of my rolled-up windows. I usually listen to the radio, but lately I've been getting bored with flipping through my 10 pre-set stations. Why is it that when there's a bad song on one station, there's one on every other station too?! Do they plan that?
To escape the boredom, I bought some new CDs that I've really been enjoying. If you're looking for some new music yourself, here are a few recommendations:
Jason Mraz: "We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things." - I dare you to listen to "I'm Yours" without smiling during the first two bars. It's happy music. The rest of the album is awesome too. The more I listen to it, the more I like it.
Kate Nash: "Made of Bricks" - She's British & I love her! Is it weird that I want to be friends w/the main character of one of her songs? John brought this one home b/c he thought I'd like her. She's quirky & fun. And the fact that I have a soft spot for all things British doesn't hurt. Her accent makes me smile.
Duffy: "Rockferry" - Another Brit, but very different from Kate Nash. Her voice is straight out of the 60s. Plus, she has good hair. This is a fairly mellow album...perfect for rainy days & Sundays.
Adele: "19" - Another there a theme developing here? I must admit, I don't own this album, but it's next on my list to buy. The single "Chasing Pavements" sticks in my head every time I hear it (& it's got a cool video to go with it). Adele's voice, which is deep, rich & full, belies her 20 years of age.
Paramore: "Riot!" - Another group John introduced me to, this is what Avril Lavigne WISHES she could sound like. Hayley Williams is the lead singer & the girl's got some pipes! Great for when you feel like rocking out & possibly doing a little car dancing.
Coldplay: "Viva la Vida" - When the title track of this album comes on, I never fail to turn it up. Loud. Coldplay rocks. Enough said.
Isn't music awesome?! The world would be a much darker place without it.
Music IS awesome Miss, I totally agree with you. And even better - music is something you can share with others. Because of this posting, I just went on to iTunes and bought some of Adele's music! Thanks for sharing! We'll have a potpourri of stuff to listen to in Florida!
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