The New-Old Sound
I'm making a recommendation today & I hope you'll all take me up on it. Here it is:
Go directly to your local music store. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200. Pick up the Amy Winehouse CD called "Back to Black". Get in your car & put it on (actually, make sure you BUY it first, I'm not advocating shoplifting). Roll down the windows & turn up the volume. And let the awesomeness of the entire album change your whole outlook on what music should be. THIS is what it should be.
We've had the CD since last week and I've already listened to it about a hundred times. (What? No, I'm not obsessive at all.) I've been waking up in the middle of the night with her songs playing in my head. How insane is that? Now, I'm not a music critic & I don't really know how to put her sound into words. But I do know that she sounds like she's from a whole other time. It's totally cool & totally worth it.
Musically yours,
p.s. I talked to Dado earlier today, but I'd just like to wish a very Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Do whatever you want today!
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