Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

I've been trying to write & post something for the past two weeks and it's just not flowing out of me. Maybe it's b/c I'm trying to say too much. Or maybe it's b/c I'm thinking way too hard of what I want to say & how I want to say it. This could be one of those instances that calls for free association...I just need to sit down & write & write until I have something I can patch together into something intelligible.

Is intelligible even a word, or did I just commit a George Bush-ism?

I know I'll have something for you soon. But I didn't want to let the day go by without wishing Deb, my mum (as people here like to tease me about...the "mum" instead of "mom" factor...I think they find it quaint), the happiest of Mother's Days.

I'm proud to be your daughter each and every day. And I miss you each and every day too. (just in case you had any doubts).

Much love to all mothers today,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I am proud to be your Mum or Mom or whatever you want to call me. Right Ralph? My Aunt Connie called me to wish me a Happy Mother's Day because she knew this was my first year without a mother to call....she said she would now be my Mother Superior! I thought it was so cute!
Now I have two nice Mother's Day blogs to read and re-read. Thank you! You couldn't be more of a perfect daughter
and I love you,

6:22 AM  

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