Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

In honor of Mother's Day, I'd like to dedicate this post to my mum. She's one of those mothers who now seems like a rare breed...the one who probably just took a batch of chocolate-chip cookies out of the oven...the one who knows the importance of good manners, writing 'thank you' notes & sending cards just because...the one who's doing 800 things for other people today (& every day)...the one who makes special & fantastic dinners...the one who loves her own friend's kids as much as she loves her own...the one who actually DOES the thoughtful things that others may only think of...the one who understands that a haircut, a pedicure & a new pair of shoes are some of the greatest joys in life...the one who knows how to be a good friend.

I don't know what other people's mothers are doing this week, but here's what my mum (& dad) will be doing: helping with any last-minute details for my brother's wedding on Saturday (can't wait J&J!); preparing some of the food for the wedding; helping my sister & her husband move into their brand new house; hosting out-of-town family & guests; attending the Grace Academy dance show b/c the school is owned by one of my friends (hi Heid!) & my dad (who is the cutest little man in the word) will be tap dancing in it; celebrating their OWN wedding anniversary on Saturday; holding a morning-after wedding brunch at their house.

How's that for a crazy week?! And I'm sure I've missed about 20 other things. I'm so happy that I'll get to be a part of the craziness b/c spending time with my family & friends right before we move seems like the perfect send-off.

Mum...a very special & happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you can take some time today to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING & just enjoy being the wonderful, thoughtful, funny, creative, loving person that you are. I love you & I can't wait to see you on Tuesday (you too Dado!!).


p.s. I posted the above message about an hour ago. Then, the more I thought about it, the more I realized an addendum was in order. Aside from my own mum, I've been fortunate enough to have several other moms in my life. Most of my best friend's moms have been like second mothers to me for a very long time & I'd just like to wish all of them a Happy Mother's Day as well. I'm not going to list names, but if you're reading this, you're probably one of them. xoxoxo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to have to buy a Kleenex Box to sit right next to my computer if you are going to continue to write like this! Thank you very much, Missy, for those thoughtful words. I believe I will be framing them shortly!
I so admire your writing of this Blog and the enjopyment we are all going to get from reading it and hearing your newest adventures in Oregon.
In the meantime, COME ON OVER and play in Ontario for a week because the party starts when you arrive!
Love you, Mum

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

2:56 AM  

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