Here Comes the Bride & There Goes the Groom

Maybe the best way for me to describe J&J's wedding is to say that I cried during the ceremony. I didn't cry at my own wedding, or during Kate & Ryan's, but Jode's face was just so cute & his voice so sincere while saying his vows, that I couldn't help it. I'm sure Jode will love the fact that I'm using the word 'cute', but I don't know how else to describe it. He & Jeannette ARE cute together. They bring out the best in each other & everyone can see it. I'm so happy for both of them & I'm especially happy to have another sister in Jeannette. How many people can say that their sister-in-law got married in a 1930s-themed wedding with a Princess Leia hairdo?! Actually, scratch my first description of the wedding b/c the Star Wars side buns pretty much say it all. Jeannette...I love that you did that! You really DID look like a princess.
The 1930s were alive & well in Toronto on Saturday. All of the guests did such a great job of dressing to fit the era; it was like being in a time-warp. J&J & Company did a FANTASTIC job of turning the Opera House into a 30s club with some very simple, but very effective, touches. The outfits, the venue, the band, the car, the food, the drink, the speeches...everything was just perfect. If I were more technically inclined, I'd be posting photos right now, but alas, I haven't quite figured that part out yet. If anyone has some simple, three-step instructions, please send them my way!
In an unfortunate twist of timing in a Murphy's Law kind of way, Jode had to leave on Monday for a 10-day long rock tour of Europe, but he'll be back soon to settle down (although with J&J, it will be more like settling up b/c they've always got fun things on the go) with the new Mrs. Brumell. Happy First Days of Marriage you guys!
The rest of our week-long visit was a whirlwind of highlights that included visiting Kate & Ryan's brand new house in Whitby (it's BEAUTIFUL & smells like David Brumell Carpet Limited, which is a good thing...kind of like a new-car smell); going to the Grace Academy dance show & cheering our loudest after all of the numbers; having the chance to visit with so many friends & family members; getting a manicure & pedicure as well as getting my hair & make-up done with Deb; spending the day with Deb & Dado on their anniversary; getting a call back from the one place in Portland I was really hoping to hear from employment-wise (I think it went well & my instructions are to call again once we've moved to set up an interview....yay!).
The lowlights were few in comparison, but they were big Marn, no Merd & no chance to visit with Steffan & Nelson. Oh ya, I also wiped out in Deb & Dado's gravel driveway & hurt my ankle b/c I was acting like a jackass. Marn...if you had been there, you would have laughed & it would have been ok with me!
Overall, it was the best possible way to spend our last week on the east side before we head to the left coast. I'm filled with happy memories, love & hope. And now, I need to finish packing!
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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