Dream Team
In all of the exploring we've done, it took the decision to go to a movie yesterday to realize we live 5 minutes away from a movie theater! How could we not know such a thing?! It's so close, I can't believe we've never noticed it in all the times we've been right at that intersection (although in our defence, it's fairly unobtrusive as far as movie theaters go). I'm really happy to have a good theater close by b/c I love going to the movies. The only theater near us in Florida kind of sucked, so we didn't go much.
We went to a matinee of "The Da Vinci Code". I'm one of the five people in North America who still hasn't read the book, but I liked the movie. I didn't love it & think it was the best thing I've ever seen, but it held my interest. I always like Tom Hanks & I especially enjoyed Audrey Tautou. I think she's just beautiful. Due to the media hype & numerous TV shows dissecting Dan Brown's theory, I already knew the ending, so that part wasn't a surprise to me. Is it still considered a mystery when you already know what the mystery is?
I don't normally get popcorn when I go to a movie. I like to get chocolate instead. I think this stems from the time (a long time ago) I ate too much popcorn, then felt sick for the rest of the day. After that, I never had an appetite for popcorn. It was death by overload (why doesn't this ever happen to me with chocolate-chip cookies?). However, yesterday, my desire to eat popcorn during a movie returned, so John & I got a big bucket to share. It was massive! Way too big for any sane person to order on their own & definitely bigger than 2 people require. It could have fed a family of 4 for an entire day. The sodas we got were just as huge &, as usual, the supersized amount was wasted on me. I can't even get a quarter of the way through one of those things much less finish it! I'd rather pay a normal amount of money for a normal amount of food. Our movie treats cost more than the movie itself! This thing with portion sizes & their perceived value to the customer is beyond ridiculous. Needless to say, I ate too much popcorn, then felt sick for the rest of the day.
In a complete non-sequitur, my tooth fell out in my dream the other night. I know this is a common recurring dream for many people, but I've never had it before. Man, is it ever disturbing! Let me tell you what a relief it was to wake up & realize I didn't have a gaping hole in my mouth! Since this was a new phenomenon for me, I jumped on the internet to do some research on dream interpretation; theories abound on this particular topic, so I've compiled a few for your reading pleasure...
Number 1: "In my experience, a dream about one's teeth falling out usually symbolizes that the dreamer is having a challenge getting their voice heard, or feelings acknowledged. This may be referring to their conversations with a particular person such as their significant other, boss, or friend; or can be generalized for people who are shy, to include almost everyone they come in contact with. The dreamer needs to brush up on conversational skills, believe in the value of their own opinion, learn how to be less intimidated by aggressive people, and become more assertive and make their voice heard."
Interesting & quite relevant. I'm in a new place & I do need to brush up on my conversational skills, make my voice heard in my search for employment & believe in the value of my own opinion.
Number 2: "It can literally mean that you are frightened of losing your teeth."
Well, I AM way past due for a visit to the dentist.
Number 3: "It can show the beginning of a new phase of life just as we lose our teeth when we pass from early childhood and head towards adulthood."
The beginning of a new phase of life you say?
Number 4: "You may be worried about your self image or the dream may signify unexpressed anxiety."
Isn't the self image part true for most women, regardless of whether their teeth have fallen out? And I think most of my anxieties are clearly expressed, thank you very much.
Number 5: "What, we can ask ourselves, do teeth do? They hold, cut, grasp and generally are the first way we had to do these things. But then we lost our first set, just as we were gaining in self-control and power. And yet, shortly thereafter, a new and larger world and set of teeth appear! And so, if I have a tooth loose dream, I can ask myself: 1. What parts of my world and life are slipping away? 2. What new larger world will this lead me to? Lose a tooth, gain a world!"
Bingo! Lose a tooth, gain a world! Isn't the subconscious mind a crazy thing?
Just in case anyone wants to know, I do have my own recurring dream. It has to do with my contact lenses being way too huge to fit on my eyeballs (Kate, I know you're laughing right now). In the dream, I know the lens will shrink down to fit if I can just manage to touch it to part of my eyeball. But the lenses are so big, I have to hold one of them with both hands & it's really difficult to get it anywhere near my eye. Oh, also, one time, aside from being huge, the lenses were rectangular & plaid.
If anyone wants to go near the analysis of that one with a ten-foot pole, please let me know. I've never been able to find anything to do with eyes, eyesight or contact lenses in dream themes, so if you've got something, I'd love to hear it. Our phone lines will remain open.
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