Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Monday, June 26, 2006

It's Africa Hot

Did we just go back in time to Florida?! For the past two days, it has been 100 degrees here. Yes, you read it right. One hundred degrees. Since the Pacific Northwest is known for its more temperate climate (never too hot or too cold), most people don't have air-conditioning. "Most people" includes us. What are the chances of moving here & experiencing record-breaking temperatures in the same month? Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.

John & I have since come up with our own way of cooling off, which we've dubbed "Welfair Conditioning" since it works for anyone who can't afford the real deal (or just has a fluke of insanely hot weather for 2 days). All are welcome to use it.

Step 1: Open all the windows to try & get any type of cross-breeze going.
Step 2: Stand in it. Wear the least amount of clothing possible. Be nude if you want, but're probably standing in front of a window. Complain about how hot it is.
Step 3: Once the breeze dies down in 5 seconds, complain about how hot it is.
Step 4: Go into the bathroom. If you're not already nude, get nude.
Step 5: Have a cool shower to bring your body temperature down to a normal level.
Step 6: Immediately after the shower, don't towel off; remain nude & run back in front of the window (hopefully, it's dark out now). Stay there until all of the water on your body has dried.
Step 7: Complain about how hot it is.
Step 8: Repeat steps 4-7 until it's time to go to bed.

Sleeping in this kind of heat is hard. I'll probably be cranky tomorrow.

Stay cool,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's question for you to ponder: In all of your postings thus far and all of the wonderful information we have gleened about Portland, Oregon, you have never mentioned the rain factor.
My Dad says Portland is the most beautiful city in the country if it stops raining long enough to see it! Is it like San Francisco where it is foggy or cloudy each morning and then it burns off? Just interested, Love, Mum

7:55 AM  

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