Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Friday Afternoon

I just got home from an interview at the same advertising agency that made me feel old a few weeks ago. I met with 6 different people over a 2 1/2 hour long period which, surprisingly, sounds worse than it really was. Everyone was so nice that it didn't really feel like an interview...more like a little party where you're constantly meeting new people every few minutes & having fun conversations with them. Maybe this is what 5-Minute Dating feels like?

I'm writing this now just in case I wake up tomorrow & decide that I hated the entire experience. I don't think I did. As much as I don't want to admit it & as much as I don't want to feel like a sell-out, I can see myself working there. Of course, this is based solely on the fact that I'm looking at the situation from a, "What if I DON'T get the job of my dreams?" viewpoint. If that rug gets pulled out from under me next week (or the next week, or the next week), I've got to have a back-up b/c I'm going to have to earn an income sooner or later. I may not enjoy agency life for long, but I'm smart enough to realize that it may be the only offer I get.

Will ponder over the weekend.

Have a good one,


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