Changing the Rules
I know I said a few days ago that I didn't mind waiting to hear back from my much-wanted job prospect, but, after those few days passed without hearing anything, I started to feel exactly like the poor girl I mentioned earlier...the one who's waiting for the phone call that may not even be forthcoming. So, as usual, my imagination spun into overdrive; "It's been 2 days, I must have done something wrong. Why aren't they calling me? Maybe I am getting dumped. I'm never going to find another job!".
Once I realized this kind of thinking wasn't going to get me anywhere, I decided to take the matter into my own hands & make the call myself. And I'm glad I did, b/c now, instead of waiting for the rest of the week, wondering what's going to happen, I'm going to 'phase III' of my interview on Thursday morning!
It feels good to be proactive when something important is at stake. It made me realize that I don't have to sit around & wait for things to happen to me...I can make them happen for myself. Action is better than reaction. I can change my own future by taking a few steps; even if they're scary steps that don't feel 100% comfortable, it doesn't mean I shouldn't take them. Because when you reach beyond your usual boundaries, there are exciting things to be found. New possibilities open up & you believe you can do things that you previously thought were for 'other people' only. With each step, a newfound sense of strength & confidence emerges & that step makes you want to take another one. And to me, that's worth 5 minutes of scariness (not sure if that's even a word, but it is now).
So, on Thursday morning, I'm going to sprinkle myself with fairy dust & go kick some 'phase III' interview ass!
Keep stepping,
p.s. Mum - thanks for your favorite things list! They were all SO you & it made me smile.
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