Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Canada D'eh!

To my friends & family in Canada on this day of all days, I wish you the happiest of Canuck celebrations! In honoring, oops, sorry, honoUring your heritage, please make sure you do at least 3 of the following:

1) sing the national anthem (bonus points for doing it in French)
2) eat a huge serving of poutine
3) rock out to Bryan Adams, Rush or The Tragically Hip
4) play a game of hockey (ice or street is acceptable)
5) get a large double-double from Tim Horton's
6) draw a map of Canada & label all of the provinces & their capitals without looking at an atlas
7) watch "Strange Brew" all day long (eating back bacon while doing so counts as 2)
8) drink a 2-4 by yourself
9) buy something at Canadian Tire using only Canadian Tire money
10) whip up a batch of butter tarts
11) eat the red Smarties last
12) wear a touque for the entire day
13) listen to Gordon Lightfoot or Anne Murray (then tear your hair out)
14) order a quarter chicken dark with fries from Swiss Chalet

I'll be doing numbers 1, 7, 8 & 12. And if anyone who works at Swiss Chalet is reading this & can arrange to have said quarter chicken dark with fries delievered to Oregon, it would be greatly appreciated. To those of you lucky enough to be in Muskoka, Georgian Bay or Haliburton this weekend, enjoy yourselves & drink an Ex for me, would ya?

Take off you hosers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I'm not sure how many of these truly Canadian acts I accomplished on Canada Day. I know for a fact I skipped any Bryan Adams and Rush music... although I saw a guy with a Getty Lee mullet circa 1982 (I was in Niagara Falls for a few minutes and mullets are still in style there). I did stop at Tim Hortons... but I still haven't picked up the coffee habit. You'll be happy to know they now sell Diet Coke in the can! And as for drinking a 2-4 by myself, I didn't do this either but spent a couple hours at RibFest in Etobicoke(it was for work)and was witness to some of Canada's finest white trash all sporting rib juice smears on their faces and walking with a 2-4 wobble that would make any Canadian proud. So in total I'm not feeling as Canadian as I think I should. THis weekend I will try to redeem myself by by enjoying poutine, Strange Brew and red Smarties ... that should put me back in good standings.

Chat soon. S

12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would think being on a ship in the middle of no where would be the last place to celebrate Canada Day. Instead, as many Canadian Crew as we could find (approx. 50 or so on this ship, Capt. included) gathered in the Crew Bar with as much Red & White around and toasted July 1st the Canadian way - by drinking alot. While Bryan Adams, Colin James and yes...even Gordon Lightfoot played in the background, the table top hockey game was well used by Canadians and some of the other 51 nationalities we have here on board. It was a good celebration, but July 4th was better. A full-blown "All Crew Party" complete with free beer and wine and an "auction" to raise money for the Crew Welfare where the highest bid was made thanks to me. I didn't bid...I was on the block! The 2nd highest bid: $105, Marnie the Cruise Director went for: $501. The feeling of gratitude I felt after the guys out bid each other for me: priceless.

I LOVE your Blogging Miss! You should write a book!

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marnie! What did you have to perform for $501.00????
Julie McCoy never got so lucky!
xo Deb

6:34 PM  

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