Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Few of my Favorite Things

I went to the Hillsboro Public Library last week & had a great time hanging out amongst the books & other library-goers. Being at the library might not be cause for celebration for some, but I've always loved words, books, bookstores & libraries; I don't know what it is, but I feel great after I've spent some time on my own, just browsing around, finding new books to treasure & other people's words to get lost in.

This got me thinking about more of my favorite things*, so here, in a list of no particular order (what would the world be without lists?), are a few more...

- the aforementioned afternoon in a bookstore (preferably one with comfy is one of the best (
- reading & writing
- a strong cup of coffee in the morning
- making lists!
- bubble baths
- a new haircut
- "Girl's Weekends" (although I think this needs to turn into "Girl's Weeks")
- feeling the warmth of the sun on my face
- parks
- dancing & singing around the living room (usually done in private!)
- massages
- retriever puppies
- afternoon tea along with something sweet
- laughing so hard I cry
- going for walks
- Crayola markers
- blank journals waiting to be filled
- Bonne Bell Dr. Pepper lip balm
- outdoor cafe tables
- the smell of a new pair of ballet shoes
- naps
- a nice glass of wine
- England
- health food stores
- going to the movies
- hot chocolate on a cold day
- fountain pens
- Cookie Monster
- yoga
- fireplaces
- French baguettes
- pedicures
- Anthropologie (if I could redo my entire wardrobe from only one store, this would be it!
- watercolor paints
- skirts that twirl around when you spin in them
- cupcakes
- art supply stores
- fresh squeezed orange juice
- bed & breakfasts
- hot tubs
- getting letters in the mail
- fresh flowers
- beds w/down comforters & fluffy pillows
- warm chocolate-chip or oatmeal cookies & a glass of milk
- Egyptian musk perfume oil
- brown paper packages tied up w/strings (stolen from "The Sound of Music", but it's true!)

Whoa! Once you get started, it's hard to stop, but that was fun! I'm sure I'll think of a hundred more once I post this, but I can't just do this all day...or can I?

The main reason I wrote this is b/c I'm interested in hearing about other people's favorite things! If you've got your own list, or just a few things that popped into your head while reading this, please post a comment. I'd love to read them & perhaps adopt a few of your favorites as my own!

Happy writing,

*I think it goes without saying that my husband, my family & my friends automatically top any type of 'fave' list, so I didn't include them here. It was more fun to think of the less obvious ones.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK asked for it, here goes - "Marnie's Favorite Things" in no random order:

- A really good conversation with friends
- Taking a walk on a fall day when the leaves are all different colours
- Going out for dinner
- Bonnie Bell Skin Musk Perfume (since Gr. 8, thanks!)
- Steve Perry
- Singing with a band (a new experience I've encountered and love enough to want to start my own band)
- Watching a movie I've seen over and over and over again and still loving every minute of it.
- The episode of "Friends" when Monica and Rachel lose the apartment in a bet.
- Quarter White with Fries - sauce poured ON to the fries and a fry sandwich using the bun
- Morgan Freeman's voice
- When I have a good hair day
- Buying new clothes and feeling really good in them (that was me yesterday in Key West!)
- A great makeout session with a cute guy and not being able to take your hands off of each other.
- Green Mango - enough said.
- The "Hope Floats" Soundtrack
- A pair of shoes you feel really sexy in.
- My tattoos
- That I'll be home in 4 days.
The list could be another mile long, but I shant bore the rest of those who read this. Instead, I'll thank my friend Missy, once again, for posting a great entry! Kept me busy while I'm back stage during the show! LOVE YOU...and everything in the list above!

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here I go with Deb's favourite things:
The sound of my children laughing together.
Dado's one liners.
Whole Foods, even just to look!
Barbra Streisand
Memories of Captiva weeks.
The clickity clack of the Amtrak train going over the Cross Avenue Bridge as it pulls into Oakville when I'm COMING HOME!
Labs, Golden Retrievers, German Short-Haired Pointers and Beagles.
Cape Cod and everything about it...same with Georgian Bay and The Hamptons.
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream OR a combo of Vanilla and Chocolate, Haagen Dazs only please!
The rush you feel when the curtain goes up, no matter if you are in front or behind the curtain!
School supplies.
Manicures, pedicures, facials, and getting you hair and make up done.
Decorating for Christmas.
Crown Royal, lots of rocks and water.
Going to the movies.
My Best Friend of 56 years and all of the friends who have come after her. Woman friends and spending time with them is a joy forever.
Men friends are pretty wonderful too but there just aren't as many of them!
Shopping......and Shoes
Serving a meal to an appreciative audience.
Beautifully wrapped gifts.
Tasteful entertaining.
Adding another recipe to my cookbook.
Singing and dancing.
Family Reunions.
Letters in the mailbox or e-mail.
Six healthy children and one beautiful Grandog!
This Blog!

6:19 PM  

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