Can I Please Mind My Own Business?
I had to go to Target the other day to get some contact lens solution. Truth be told, I haven't been to Target in quite some time. We were extremely spoiled by our Orlando Super Target & sadly, the one near us here doesn't quite measure up. However, Target always has a good deal on contact lens solution. The 2 for 1 kind of deal, which is right up my alley...especially when I have to spend money on such incidentals. It's like having to spend money on toothpaste and cleaning supplies. Nobody really WANTS to buy those things, but...
I digress.
While browsing around, the decibel level in the store started to become deafening to me. Do I have to be party to that guy's cell phone conference call? Doesn't anyone know how to use their library voice anymore? Can that kid stop having a tantrum in the middle of the store? And if not, can his parents at least remove him so I don't have to listen to it?
Why must we be constantly exposed to everyone else's business all the time? Does nobody have a sense of decorum or privacy anymore? I don't want to know the details of your date last night. I don't care if your boss is an asshole & I don't need to know what kind of underwear you've got's called UNDERwear for a reason. When I brought up the topic with John, he agreed & said, "It's like everyone's walking around with their pants down all the time."
The lady who lives in the apartment downstairs from us is constantly on her cell phone. She smokes too, so she usually conducts her conversations outside on her patio which is right underneath our balcony. She talks a mile a minute & sometimes, she gets going so fast, it's like she switches into a whole other language. She's definitely not in touch with her library voice. I'm pretty sure people who live on the other side of the complex can hear her.
What is up with the universe?! It's one thing to be open & share information about yourself, but it's quite another to be completely oblivious to the world around you b/c you think you're the only one in it. It's called consideration for others...get some!
So the next time you're in Target & your kid starts throwing a fit, look out! Because if you don't take him outside, I will.
With consideration,
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