Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'd Like to Thank the Academy

Did yesterday really happen? Did I actually get an offer for my dream job?! I still can't quite believe it. I'm afraid I'm going to wake up & the whole thing will dissolve in mere seconds. But no. It DID happen & I am so happy. I'm feeling quite blessed today...a sense of calm & relaxation has washed over me.

For the past 4 months, my focus on this job has been almost all-consuming. In the beginning, it was more in the imagination stages, like "Wouldn't it be great if I could get this job when we move to Portland?" immediately followed by, "Ya right. It's highly doubtful that things will go that way." It was the holy grail & just the idea of it was too good to be true. Then, the journey to land the job began & it was an even greater mind-trip. The wanting. The dreaming. The hoping. Many verbs were employed. But perhaps the most pervasive one was the reality of knowing that I can't always get what I want, but still believing in it so much that I found it hard to give much concentration to any other possibility. With all of the work I did on myself & on figuring out what I really wanted to do, I finally felt like I had found my way & I was just aching for the chance to get going on it. Well, I got my chance. I'm fairly certain that yesterday was a huge turning point in my life.

I am so grateful to anyone & everyone who wished me luck, crossed their fingers, said a prayer, waved their magic wand, and sent some positive energy my way. All of those actions were felt out here & they had a tremendous impact. I'd especially like to thank Stephen, Meredith & my Fairy Godmother Diane for acting as my references. You all rock & I couldn't ask for better people in my life.

And finally, an extra special thank you goes out to Deb & Dado. I was pretty proud of myself yesterday, but I was also proud of both of you. Does that sound weird? Maybe. But I know how much you wanted this dream to happen for me & the fact that I could make that call & let you know that it had come true was one of my favorite moments. I wish I could do it all over again!

Now that I've said all of that, I just want to say that I will not be using this space to talk about work any more. I've heard the horror stories of people who have been fired for writing about their jobs online & I don't intend to become one of them. No stories of colleagues, bosses, clients, workplace politics or policies will be found here. Period.

Don't worry though. I've got lots of other stuff to talk about!

Peace out,

p.s. did anyone else feel like their entire grade-school education was thrown out of whack today when it was announced that Pluto is no longer considered a planet?! What?! Science fair projects will never be the same.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes!!! I looked at the front page of the post today and said to Mark "Well, Pluto isn't a planet anymore" (feeling sort of sad and like maybe I was led down the garden path during my formative years, also thinking about my grade 8 science fair when I made a model out of styrofoam balls of the solar system (yes, we've all done one) and thinking what a huge waste of time that was. To which Mark responds "So..who cares?" and I thought, "yah, why do I care?". But I do feel a little sad. I always liked Pluto because it was so little and cute.
On a more important note - Miss, Congratulations!!!! This is the first time I've been on the blog for ages and since our phone conversation was cut short I didn't get a chance earlier to properly convey my intense happiness for you. I'm not surprised because you rock and you deserve it and little do they know that they just hired the one person who will have the professional organizers more organized than they ever thought possible within the first week.
Love you! Yay you!
p.s. To all the Oakville crowd that may be reading - This is a good place as any to publicly announce that we apparently can't stop pro-creating and yes #4 is on the way. I have cried many tears - yes, that will be 4 children under the age of 3, but am slowly coming around. Casseroles will be welcome, also Paxil.
Anyway, before I start my own blog.
Love u Miss and John.

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you!!!!! I know this experience will be unlike any other. My wish for you is that you are surrounded by alot of positive energy, people who enjoy life and who can make you laugh until you have to pee!

Much love and I miss you. Give John a big kiss from me.

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I have been able to think since hearing your good news is .... This is right! This is good! .... There is no one who deserves this more than you, and I am so very happy. You've worked hard, but more than that, you work well. I admire you more than you can know. This fortunate god-mother did nothing .... day late (10 hours??) and a dollar short.... but she is very proud!

xxoo Another Diane :)

1:33 PM  

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