Let's do Lunch
Since heading back to work, I've been reacquainting myself with the notion of packing a lunch each night to be ready to grab out of the fridge on my way out the door the following morning. The only problem with this is that my purse is practically bursting at the seams with everything that goes in it now...work-related gear, wallet, cell phones (yes, plural, b/c the girl who's not a big fan of cell phones now has 2 of them), PDA, water bottle, Dr. Pepper lip balm (I think THIS is what's taking up so much space), plus my food for the day, which usually consists of a sandwich, an apple, grapes, some veggies, a few snack bags of trail mix or nuts & a granola bar. Wow. That was a long sentence.
For the past few days, I've been trying to come up with a solution for my weighty-purse dilemma. We've already got a few insulated, soft-sided cooler bags, but they're fairly utilitarian-looking & I think my lunch deserves a more stylish outfit. I wish I still had my Snoopy lunchbox from 4th grade...it was my favorite. Who was the loser who made up the rule that lunchboxes should not be carried by anyone older than 10? (Dado...you are the exception to this rule & that's b/c YOU rule) I think everyone's day would improve immensely if we all walked around carrying brightly-colored, cartoon-covered lunchboxes. It would certainly make me smile.
I just realized earlier this evening that I've had the answer to my problem for the last year. Let me backtrack...last October, I noticed an ad on the back of a Lean Cuisine frozen dinner for an extremely cute insulated lunch tote. I had to have it! I hopped right onto their website to place my order, only to find that I was too late. They were all sold out. However, I did some research & found out that the lunch totes would be available again in September of 2006, so I made a mental note to snag one for myself. Then, I promptly forgot my mental note until a few hours ago when it suddenly dawned on me that it was indeed September of 2006 & my lunch tote was out there, waiting for me to order it!
So, I've just placed my order for a polka-dot lunch tote & I can't wait for it to arrive. If anyone else out there needs such a tote, I would urge you to check out www.leancuisine.com so you can get one too. The main reason I'm passing this along is b/c aside from being so cute, half of the cost of the bag (only $10, which includes shipping) goes to the Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. It's a good thing from all angles! But remember, they're only available for a limited time. And I'm warning you...if you see one, you're going to want one!
I'm going to go make my lunch for tomorrow now. Anyone want to trade sandwiches with me?
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