It's Not Your Living Room - Part II
(If you haven't read the post previous to this one, you may want to go back for a quick review.)
I was reminded of another instance of the general public's crazy-ass behavior a few weeks ago when my friend Rhonda & I went to see "Juno" on a Sunday afternoon. When we walked into the the theater, it was practically empty. There were only two other people there & they were sitting about half-way up. Rhonda & I went to the very last row & found the best seats right in the center.
This is the type of movie-watching I love! No one behind you to kick your seat & no one in front of you to be all "tall" with their head. No one on either side, moving into your leg space & taking up your armrest.
So, as Rhonda & I chatted (& finished our movie snacks before the lights even went down), we noticed another couple enter the theater, but didn't pay much attention to them after that. That is...until they sat down right next to us. RIGHT NEXT TO US! Not one seat in between, not one row in front of us. I mean in the SEAT to my direct right. Now taking up my armrest.
Oh my god, I couldn't believe it! With all the empty seats to choose from, why choose THAT one? Does personal space mean nothing?!
It totally felt like a Seinfeld episode...did they do one like that?