Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Worth the Weight

Well, it only took 9 months & 18 days, but I am finally the proud owner of an Oregon driver's license. I just got back from the DMV (which was a far more pleasant experience than the Orlando DMV in 'da hood) with a shiny new card, of which I am quite proud. It's much prettier than my Florida one & the picture isn't horrendous either. What a relief to be able to cross this task off my to do list!

(Sidebar for those of you who may be wondering why it took so long to do something as simple as switch over a license from one state to another - in Oregon, you have to take an online knowledge test before you can get a license, even if you've already got one from another state. Basically, I've been procrastinating.)

One main difference with this license is that they list your WEIGHT on it! Right there on the front for all to see! Which got me thinking...if you know how many people are going to see it, & bearing in mind they don't actually weigh you, are you really going to put the correct weight, or are you going to fudge it a little?

That's what I thought.

Happy trails,

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spring has Sprung!

Pink blossoms on trees
Tiny green leaf buds
Shooting out of their winter homes

Was that a haiku?

Spring is here and it arrived just in time! For the third time in less than six months, my computer has decided to go on strike and the only thing that's keeping me in a good mood right now is looking around at the new life that is bursting out all over the place.

On my drive home through the beautiful countryside today, I noticed a small hut with a sign reading "$1.00 a bunch". Inside the hut were dozens of sunshine-yellow daffodils sitting in glass mason jars. Just the thing to perk up our dining table! When I got out to take a closer look, I realized that the hut was self-serve. There were coffee cans with slots cut into the lids for collecting money and lots of plastic bags in which to put your bunches of spring. It felt a little strange to just help myself to such pretty flowers, but I took 2 bunches, put my $2.00 into the can & left with a smile on my face.

To me, this is the essence of Oregon...a place where people are friendly & trusting enough to leave their treasures out for you to purchase on the honor system. And a place where I actually STOP at the roadside markets rather than just thinking about stopping like I used to.

Happy Spring to all! Take some time to stop & smell the roses (or daffodils) this year. It will change your day for the better. I guarantee it!

Cadbury Easter Cream Eggs all 'round,

p.s. I'm off to Trader Joe's to buy John's birthday dinner. When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday this year, he said, "Hamburgers and love". Spoken like a true 10 year-old little guy...who happens to be turning 38 today. I think a little chocolate cake thrown into the mix couldn't hurt.