Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hi Ho Hi Ho, It's Off to Work I Go

I think I'm ready for tomorrow morning. I've got my bag of supplies packed, my lunch made (roast chicken, some veggies & hummus, fruit), a recess snack (nuts & a granola bar) & an excitement for my first day of work I've not felt before. I'm usually worried about being "the new girl" & having to ask where the bathroom is & how to work the photocopier. But I have no nervousness about tomorrow. I think a lot of it has to do with the lengthy interview process...I feel like I've worked there for a week already! I only have to meet one more person & then I'll know everyone!

It's a cool way to start a job.


Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'd Like to Thank the Academy

Did yesterday really happen? Did I actually get an offer for my dream job?! I still can't quite believe it. I'm afraid I'm going to wake up & the whole thing will dissolve in mere seconds. But no. It DID happen & I am so happy. I'm feeling quite blessed today...a sense of calm & relaxation has washed over me.

For the past 4 months, my focus on this job has been almost all-consuming. In the beginning, it was more in the imagination stages, like "Wouldn't it be great if I could get this job when we move to Portland?" immediately followed by, "Ya right. It's highly doubtful that things will go that way." It was the holy grail & just the idea of it was too good to be true. Then, the journey to land the job began & it was an even greater mind-trip. The wanting. The dreaming. The hoping. Many verbs were employed. But perhaps the most pervasive one was the reality of knowing that I can't always get what I want, but still believing in it so much that I found it hard to give much concentration to any other possibility. With all of the work I did on myself & on figuring out what I really wanted to do, I finally felt like I had found my way & I was just aching for the chance to get going on it. Well, I got my chance. I'm fairly certain that yesterday was a huge turning point in my life.

I am so grateful to anyone & everyone who wished me luck, crossed their fingers, said a prayer, waved their magic wand, and sent some positive energy my way. All of those actions were felt out here & they had a tremendous impact. I'd especially like to thank Stephen, Meredith & my Fairy Godmother Diane for acting as my references. You all rock & I couldn't ask for better people in my life.

And finally, an extra special thank you goes out to Deb & Dado. I was pretty proud of myself yesterday, but I was also proud of both of you. Does that sound weird? Maybe. But I know how much you wanted this dream to happen for me & the fact that I could make that call & let you know that it had come true was one of my favorite moments. I wish I could do it all over again!

Now that I've said all of that, I just want to say that I will not be using this space to talk about work any more. I've heard the horror stories of people who have been fired for writing about their jobs online & I don't intend to become one of them. No stories of colleagues, bosses, clients, workplace politics or policies will be found here. Period.

Don't worry though. I've got lots of other stuff to talk about!

Peace out,

p.s. did anyone else feel like their entire grade-school education was thrown out of whack today when it was announced that Pluto is no longer considered a planet?! What?! Science fair projects will never be the same.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I Got It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dream job is mine!! I feel so great! Must go drink a bunch of champagne.

Talk soon,

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Interview - Part 32

I just got a call from my prospective dream job employer. She wants me to come in on Wednesday morning for another meeting. This must be the one where I sign over my first-born in exchange for getting the job.


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Can I Please Mind My Own Business?

I had to go to Target the other day to get some contact lens solution. Truth be told, I haven't been to Target in quite some time. We were extremely spoiled by our Orlando Super Target & sadly, the one near us here doesn't quite measure up. However, Target always has a good deal on contact lens solution. The 2 for 1 kind of deal, which is right up my alley...especially when I have to spend money on such incidentals. It's like having to spend money on toothpaste and cleaning supplies. Nobody really WANTS to buy those things, but...

I digress.

While browsing around, the decibel level in the store started to become deafening to me. Do I have to be party to that guy's cell phone conference call? Doesn't anyone know how to use their library voice anymore? Can that kid stop having a tantrum in the middle of the store? And if not, can his parents at least remove him so I don't have to listen to it?

Why must we be constantly exposed to everyone else's business all the time? Does nobody have a sense of decorum or privacy anymore? I don't want to know the details of your date last night. I don't care if your boss is an asshole & I don't need to know what kind of underwear you've got's called UNDERwear for a reason. When I brought up the topic with John, he agreed & said, "It's like everyone's walking around with their pants down all the time."

The lady who lives in the apartment downstairs from us is constantly on her cell phone. She smokes too, so she usually conducts her conversations outside on her patio which is right underneath our balcony. She talks a mile a minute & sometimes, she gets going so fast, it's like she switches into a whole other language. She's definitely not in touch with her library voice. I'm pretty sure people who live on the other side of the complex can hear her.

What is up with the universe?! It's one thing to be open & share information about yourself, but it's quite another to be completely oblivious to the world around you b/c you think you're the only one in it. It's called consideration for others...get some!

So the next time you're in Target & your kid starts throwing a fit, look out! Because if you don't take him outside, I will.

With consideration,

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Wasted Effort?

After all of the time & effort I put into figuring out what would make me happy work-wise, I'm wondering if it was all just a big exercise in futility. Not to sound overly dramatic, but what if we're all just destined to work crappy, unfulfilling, underpaid jobs for the rest of our lives? I can't. I won't. I refuse to believe that this is what my life will become, but where do you draw the line between optimism & denial?

Weekend trip to Bitter Town leaving in 5 minutes...anyone want to join me?


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Poker Face

I need to have a word with Kenny Rogers (he of the plastic surgery gone horrendously wrong) b/c how do you know when to hold 'em & when to fold 'em? Was that even in the lesson of "The Gambler" or was the song just about the fact that you NEED to know?

I'm sitting here becoming increasingly frustrated. Actually, I'm very much on the verge of feeling I'm being strung along & I can't even see it. I haven't heard a peep from my job prospect in over a week. I sent a follow-up note after my most recent meeting (which was LAST Tuesday, as in over a week ago) & I called two days ago (got voicemail, but left a message). I'm about to start having people call my cell phone just to make sure it still works (even though I know it does). This totally sucks! What appeared to be a sure thing several weeks ago now feels like a long-shot. How long do I wait to find out? When do I fold?

I don't feel ready to fold, but maybe I've been pre-emptively removed from the game & haven't yet been informed. Letting someone know when their services are no longer required seems to be the polite thing to do, but maybe that's just me. I feel like I had a good hand & I played it well; I was strongly suited, bluffed when I needed to & kept my eyes on my own cards. Isn't that how you play the game? Now, it seems like it might be time to hedge my bets but I can't step away from the table just yet.


Monday, August 14, 2006

Frustrated, Incorporated

As I got out of the shower today, it suddenly dawned on me that I'm quickly veering from the "Waiting Patiently" lane into the "OK, now I'm just getting pissed off" lane on the Dream Job Super Highway. It's not a super highway. It sucks if you want to know the truth...full of potholes, unforseen tolls & one wicked case of road rage.

I'm not sure what took place in the minutes between getting IN the shower & getting out of the shower that put me in that angry place, but it happened. All of a sudden, I was just mad. Mad that this decision hasn't already been made. Mad that I've done everything I can to make it work, but I'm still left with the feeling that something isn't working. Mad that it's even a possibility that I'll get a call saying, "We've decided to go with someone else" after everything I've invested into the process. And I have no idea when that call may or may not come. It's so frustrating!!! I mean, come on! You must have SOME idea of who you want to hire. It's down to 2 people for crying out loud! Can you honestly say that you don't have ANY idea which one of us you're leaning towards?! Just pick one!! At this point, I'm extremely close to suggesting the "eeny meeny miney moe" method.

See?! See the anger?! It's all boiling up & coming out right here in black & white for all to see!

I also found out this afternoon that the position at the ad agency I interviewed for a few weeks ago (that I wasn't even sure I wanted anyway, but was trying to warm to) is no longer an option. I was told that I did really well in the first round of interviews & they wanted me back for a second round, but now, everything has been put on hold. Hmmm. I guess there are two ways to look at this development; 1) it's not my dream job, therefore, I wasn't meant to get it anyway. Who cares; and 2) I'm out of the running in one of the two things I have on the table right now. Shit.

This is one of those situations where I think a good night's sleep will do wonders. I have found the saying about things looking better in the morning to be fairly accurate.

On the plus side, I've got a nice glass of red wine next to me at the moment. I'm sitting at the desk in our studio (I've decided to start calling our 'office' a 'studio' instead b/c I just like the way it sounds), looking out at the beautiful view. There's a soft breeze coming in & the big yellow chair underneath the window is begging for company. Things could be worse.


Friday, August 11, 2006

I'm on Hold

I feel like I'm stuck on-hold with the job of my dreams on the other end. I'm just waiting for them to pick-up, but it feels like it's taking forever. There are other things I could be doing today, but at the same time I don't want to hang up b/c they may answer any minute. And if I hang up, I'll have to go through the whole process again. But what if they don't pick up? What if the answer never comes? How long do I have to listen to this crappy muzak?

Part of me wants to ignore everything I just wrote b/c I've got the strongest "this is meant to be feeling" I've ever had. Everything seems to be going in the right direction & I'm trying to put all of my positive energy in that camp. And in the spirit of positivity, I'd like to say a quick, but heartfelt, "THANKS!!" to everyone who has been crossing their fingers (& toes & legs & eyes) for me. I really appreciate the support & it means so much. Actually, I think it means everything.

With gratitude,

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Breakfast Club

I'm up early today b/c I have another meeting (yes, another one!) about my dream job this afternoon. I couldn't get back to sleep after John's alarm went off so I just decided to get up. After a few sun salutations, I made a cup of coffee & thought about what I wanted for breakfast. I like breakfast. I think it's a good meal & is altogether overlooked. Although to be fair, I think if more people had the time to sit down & enjoy a leisurely morning meal, the concept of breakfast would get a bump in the polls.

Since I currently enjoy the luxury of being able to enjoy a nice breakfast each morning, I take full advantage. I didn't need to think long about what I wanted to eat today b/c it's the same thing I've had for breakfast for the past three days. I can't stop making it! I think I need to call a hotline soon.

Normally, I'm a toast or cereal girl with the occasional yogurt w/berries & granola thrown in for good measure. Eggs are usually left until the weekend & are frequently poached. However, this weekend, I heard the call of the oatmeal canister from way back in the cupboard & felt compelled to answer. Now to me, winter seems to be the more appropriate season for a cozy bowl of oatmeal, but on Saturday, it just seemed like the right thing to do. Ya. I said it. I just paraphrased Wilford Brimley from the Quaker Oaks commercial. I'm shameless like that.

I didn't want just a plain, old bowl of oatmeal so I decided to amalgamate an existing recipe with a few ideas of my own & a smidgeon of nostalgia from the flavored oatmeal packets of childhood. A hybrid if you will. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out & I'd like to share it with you. If you have a soft-spot for Maple & Brown Sugar oatmeal, or if you've just got a hankering for some comfort food, go into your kitchen & make this immediately! You'll love it!


Bring one cup of milk, a healthy dash of cinnamon & a few drops of vanilla extract to a boil in a small pot (preferably non-stick). Keep a close eye on it b/c the milk boils over very quickly once it gets going. If it gets crazy on you, just remove the pot from the direct heat & it will calm down. Don't worry. This is why you used a non-stick pot.

Add one-half cup of rolled oats (I have the quick-cooking kind, but you could use regular too), stir & turn down the heat to medium low (do this as simultaneously as possible). Continue stirring until cooked (either 1 minute or about 5, depending on your style of oat).

Add another quarter cup of milk & stir into oatmeal. Remove from heat.

Place oatmeal in a bowl & add a little pat of butter on top (I know it sounds weird but it's totally worth it!). Then, drizzle with REAL maple syrup (Mrs. Butterworth or Aunt Jemima won't cut it in this need to use the good stuff) & sprinkle with brown sugar.

Take your bowl to wherever you'll enjoy eating it most & have a great start (or finish) to your day!

The best thing about this recipe is, if you use the quick-cooking kind of oats, it takes about two minutes to make. About the same as a piece of toast. And doesn't everybody have time for that?

Happy cooking,

Friday, August 04, 2006

Friday Afternoon

I just got home from an interview at the same advertising agency that made me feel old a few weeks ago. I met with 6 different people over a 2 1/2 hour long period which, surprisingly, sounds worse than it really was. Everyone was so nice that it didn't really feel like an interview...more like a little party where you're constantly meeting new people every few minutes & having fun conversations with them. Maybe this is what 5-Minute Dating feels like?

I'm writing this now just in case I wake up tomorrow & decide that I hated the entire experience. I don't think I did. As much as I don't want to admit it & as much as I don't want to feel like a sell-out, I can see myself working there. Of course, this is based solely on the fact that I'm looking at the situation from a, "What if I DON'T get the job of my dreams?" viewpoint. If that rug gets pulled out from under me next week (or the next week, or the next week), I've got to have a back-up b/c I'm going to have to earn an income sooner or later. I may not enjoy agency life for long, but I'm smart enough to realize that it may be the only offer I get.

Will ponder over the weekend.

Have a good one,

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

And Then There Were Two

Yesterday, I found out that my dream job has come down to one other person and me. I think I liked it better when I didn't know how many people I was competing against. It immediately shot my confidence level & made me turn into that anxious mess I was just talking about. Oh, it also made me dislike that other person right away. Isn't it funny how that works? Like an ex-girlfriend of your don't have to know her to know you don't like her. She's competition & therefore must go!

The mind works in mysterious ways. Just the other day, I was thinking about how 'right' everything felt with this prospect. I wasn't even considering my competition b/c I was so confident in getting the job. But as soon as I found out that it could go to someone else, my bravado evaporated. I got totally down on myself & thought, "Well, of course that other person is going to get the job" without even knowing anything about her. I don't even know if it IS a her! Why is it that we are so quick to assume the worst when having a positive attitude takes much less effort?

It took me a while to calm down & realize that having this knowledge doesn't really change anything (except my blood pressure). I still don't have any control over the situation. The best I can do right now is breathe deeply, do a few downward dogs, think calming thoughts & regain my positive attitude.
