My Best Friend's Wedding
It's here, it's here, it's finally here! Marn's getting married on Saturday! Whoo hoo!
I just finished packing (a large part of the fun of any trip - don't read that sarcastically, I actually mean it) for our trip to Toronto. We're leaving bright (well, as bright as it gets at 4:00 a.m.) & early for the airport tomorrow morning. I've got my magazines, gum, Dramamine & fuzzy socks all packed. If you've never exchanged your shoes for fuzzy socks during a flight, you're missing out! It's a nice little upgrade you can give yourself in a world where the upgrade to first class is beyond most people's means.
I've been feeling a little out-of-sorts for the past few weeks. Not in a bad way, just in a "Why can't I get it together right now?" way. Thankfully, visiting with family & friends for a week is usually a wonderful tonic for my soul. Wearing a party dress & strappy shoes doesn't hurt either. Plus, weddings of best friends are the best kind!
Hey Marn, in case I forget to tell you later, I had an awesome time on Saturday.
Happily ever afterly,