Marry Tale Theater
I've decided to tell a story today. Because today, May 20th, is a banner day. It's a day of celebration, magic and love. I hope you enjoy...
Once upon a time, there was a young couple who fell in love. They became the best of friends & decided to spend the rest of their lives together. On May 20th, they got married & it was a grand affair. Soon after that, they had 5 kids (not all at once though). They all lived in a beautiful castle on Hickory Lane with black & white tiling in the front hall. They summered at the Cape, went for drives in their convertible carriage, held wonderful "Character Adjustment" parties & had many dear friends. Too many to count.
They understood the importance of education, good manners and leading by example. They knew how to be firm but kind. They wrote the best letters. They loved to sing. They may have invented recycling. And most of all, they loved their children fiercely. Their names were Kay & Don.
Many years later, there was another young couple who fell in love. They became the best of friends & decided to spend the rest of their lives together. On May 20th, they got married & it was a beautious affair. Soon after that, they had 3 kids (again, not all at once). They all lived in a house on Watson Avenue with blue & white tiling in the kitchen. They summered at the Bay, went for drives in their immense station wagons (there were many over the years), held wonderful "Blizzard Stops" & had many dear friends. Too many to count.
They understood the importance of education (especially in the drumming & dancing arts), good manners (unless their eldest son did something so funny it defied a stiff upper-lip) and leading by example. They knew how to be strong but soft. They threw the best parties. They loved to sing. They may have invented the first car-starting-hair-dryer. And most of all, they loved their children fiercely. Their names were Debbie & David.
Some years later, there was yet another young couple who fell in love. They became the best of friends and decided to spend the rest of their lives together. On May 20th, they got married & it was a 30s affair. They lived in an apartment on Spadina Avenue with blue & white tiling in the kitchen. They summered at Queen & Bay, went for drives in their Jeep, held fabulous jam sessions & had many dear friends. Too many to count.
They understood the importance of the School of Rock, good manners (well, one of them anyway) and leading by example. They knew how to keep it loose. They rocked the best gigs. They loved to sing. They may have invented the All Potato Diet. The Force Was With Them. Their names were Jode & Jeannette.
As you can see, all three of these couples had much in common. Which is why they all lived happily ever after. The End.
Thrice upon a time, May 20th has been sprinkled with wedding fairy dust. If you stand near the happy couples, you just might catch some. Happy Happy 40th Anniversary Deb & Dado!! Happy Happy 1st Anniversary Jode & Jeannette!! Ralph & Grandad (a.k.a. Kay & Don)...we know you had an anniversary party of your own. Hope it was a grand affair.
With much love,
p.s. I almost forgot one more excellent thing that happened on May 20th...Jamie Campbell was born! Happy Birthday Jamo! The Little Rascals are playing their song for you.