Getting Oregonized

Random thoughts & observations before, during & after a cross-country move to Portland, Oregon in June 2006.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow Day!

Quick question: What's better than calling in sick when you're not really sick?

Answer: Having your boss call you in the morning to tell you NOT to go into work today!

Yes, we have witnessed our first "real" snowstorm in Oregon. It snowed from Portland down to Salem very early this morning and since the roads were already a mess by 7:00 a.m., I was instructed to stay home. Nice! After getting the call to stay off the roads, I immediately looked out the window & saw an entire world of white that wasn't there the night before. It was beautiful! I can't remember the last time I saw so much snow, but it sure was nice to see it again. I'll take a snow day in Portland over a hurricane day in Orlando anytime!

Hearing the words "snow day" as an adult is just as sweet as hearing them as a kid. I was so excited! All of a sudden, John & I had an entire, unplanned, free day ahead of us. What a luxury! How to spend it? What to do, what to do?

Here's a list of a few things I did & a few things I didn't do...guess which ones are true:

1) walked in the snow with my tongue sticking out to catch flakes as they fell
2) made a snow angel
3) chucked a snowball at one of my neighbors
4) ate a handfull of snow
5) drank hot chocolate while bundled up on the couch
6) watched movies all afternoon

As much as I wanted to make a snow angel, I just didn't feel like lying down in the snow & freezing my butt off, so I didn't actually do that one. And I didn't throw a snowball at one of my neighbors (although there's one who needs it). But I got to do the other things & I felt just like a kid on a snow day...except I wasn't wearing snowpants.

Let it snow,

p.s. did anyone see Reese Witherspoon's SHOES at the Golden Globes last night?! They rocked! Loved them with a capital "L"

Sunday, January 07, 2007

A Year in Review

You know the saying about March coming in like a lion & out like a lamb? Actually, I don't even know if I'm quoting that correctly, but I wanted some frame of reference to say that 2006 came in like a lion and went out like a BITCH! We had a lot of great things happen in the middle months of the year, but the beginning and the ending kind of sucked.

Let's do a quick recap, shall we?

Last year at this time, I was in the midst of employment hell in Florida. Dealing with a dumbass of a manager for 3 years had left me at the end of my rope & it was definitely time for me to leave. So on January 31st, I did just that. And it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. It allowed me to have the next 3 1/2 months to regroup, relax and find myself again. February, March & April were truly healing months for me & I'm so thankful to have had them. It was also the perfect time to plan ahead for our upcoming move to Portland.

May was a month full of exciting events. Jode & Jeannette got married in a fabulous 1930's wedding, we had a great trip up to Toronto & when we got back, we departed on our road trip to Portland. Spending 5 days in a moving truck with your spouse may not seem like a fun idea to many people, but John & I had such a great time! It was definitely a trip we'll remember forever. We weren't really worried about how things would go once we arrived. We were just suspended in the moment for those 5 days & somehow, we knew things were going to work out.

And work out they did! Portland surpassed all of the expectations we had placed on it...and then some. We had immediate friends - Alison & Dave - who introduced us to some cool spots & some even cooler people. John found a job right away & was working a week after we got here. And, after a few months of the most involved interview process I've ever been through, I landed the job I'd been dreaming of for months.

So far, so good.

In September, we had our first visitor in the form of one Meredith Grove (+ baby!). Then in October, we got to have dinner with Art who was here for a business trip. At this point, we were also looking forward to a visit from Deb, Dado & Steffano Bruno for Thanksgiving in November.

Now, here's where things start to get suckass.

About a week before our Thanksgiving visitors arrived, our computer decided to die on us. Completely dead. DNR. I can't tell you what great timing this was (please go back & read that sentence completely sarcastically). Since my job requires me to rely heavily on my own computer, I immediately freaked out over how much work I was going to have to catch up on....right when I'd rather be visiting with my parents & good friend. After the requisite freak-out session, I tried to rationalize the situation (you know the drill..."it's not the end of the world"), see the bright side (still not sure what it was at that time) & learn whatever lesson I was meant to be learning. Was it to slow down? Relax? Stop freaking out over things I have no control over? Probably all of those & more.

Aside from Deb & Dado's luggage going on a side trip before arriving a day late & our dishwasher throwing up soap suds all over the kitchen floor (just like in a movie), our first American Thanksgiving in Portland was a big success! It was wonderful to have Deb, Dado & Stephen here for a few days. We ate, laughed, drank, ate some more, saw some sights, then ate some more. We had a west coast blizzard stop that included Alison & Dave and my friends from work. I was happy to be able to introduce everybody & they all got along like they had known each other for years. I love when that happens!

The one thing I hate about visits like this is that you look forward to them for so long & they're over in about 5 minutes. I always wish I could stop the clock for a few days to prolong the fun. Unfortunately, this visit ended with my mum getting a phone call about my Grandad's health, which was not good.

I was a little down after everyone left....perhaps my first feeling of homesickness since we got here? Probably. But, there were also lots of things to look forward to in December, so I tried to focus on that rather than be sad.

To be continued....

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy Nude Year

I'm already failing miserably at New Year's resolution #827, which was to CHILL OUT. All I've been doing today is running a never-ending "to do" list in my head, then repeating to myself over & over, "There's always going to be one more thing to do. Step away from the cleaning products."

Easier said than done.

I need to do a serious recap of the past month, but I've already been working at the computer for most of the day & my eyeballs need a rest. I promise a posting this coming weekend. In the meantime, an extremely Happy New Year to everyone. I think it's going to be a good one.

I wish you health, happiness & prosperity in 2007 & beyond.